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Join the Procession of the Species

photos this page by Zack Wight

The Procession of the Species is a pageant featuring art, music, and dance in a joyous celebration of the natural world. The first Procession was held in Olympia in 1995 and has grown to include more than two thousand participants and tens of thousands of onlookers from around the world. Anacortes held its first Procession of the Species in 2022. The event grows with each passing year.

How it Works

In the weeks leading up to Earth Day, the Procession of the Species invites community members to workshops where they can create artwork and costumes to honor the environment. Then, on Procession day, participants don costumes and pick up their artwork for a walk down Commercial Avenue. Three rules govern the event, allowing full appreciation for the participants’ creations and their desire to share with others:

  • No written or spoken words
  • No animals, except service animals
  • No motorized vehicles except wheelchairs

The Mission

The mission of the Procession of the Species in Anacortes is to gather the community together to learn, inspire stewardship, and celebrate the natural world and web of life through the shared experiences of making art, music, and dance, culminating in an annual procession. Find out how you can get involved.